5 Reasons It's Not Too Late to Transfer to Online School

Dad and middle school boy at laptop

Traditionally, school follows two conventions: 1) students start in the fall, and 2) they learn in a brick-and-mortar classroom setting. 

Today, schooling comes in all shapes and forms. In addition to in-person classes, your K–12 student can opt for online learning, distance learning, hybrid learning, or homeschooling. You might find that, for your family, transferring to online school or another option is the best choice. Many of the alternatives still start in the fall or late summer, but they don’t have to. 

If you’re considering a transfer to online school, you may also want to know how to switch to online school once you’ve made the choice. Let us help you with some answers. 

How Can I Switch My Child to Virtual School?

Choose a high-quality online school.

Find out whether there’s a Connections Academy school near you and make sure your child is eligible to enroll. Connections Academy offers free online homeschool with accredited K–12 programs. 

Choose your timing.

You can transfer at any time but changing schools at a semester break is ideal. Students have typically completed long-term projects and other in-depth lessons, and teachers are ready to dig into new study topics at the beginning of a new semester. But if there are reasons to make an immediate switch, your new online school’s guidance counselors and enrollment officials will be able to help you navigate the school transfer smoothly. Reach out and explain your needs.  

Gather necessary records.

Check with enrollment officials at the new school to find out what you need to do to enroll. Typical documents you’ll need include: 

  • School’s application form  
  • Transcripts  
  • Birth certificate  
  • Immunization records  
  • Other state-specific paperwork. 

Be easy to contact.

Once you’ve submitted the necessary paperwork for your new online school, you should only have to wait a few weeks for your books and materials to arrive, before you’re all set. In the meantime, make sure you’re available at the email address and phone number you’ve given the school, in case they have questions about your application. Communication will be key throughout your entire experience. 

A student and parent learning how to transfer to online high school.

Is There an Enrollment Window for Online School?

Families looking to make the switch to online school for their students often ask, “Can you enroll in K–12 anytime?” For Connections Academy students, the answer is yes!  

There might be a variety of reasons why your family may want to switch to online school in the middle of the school year. For example, you may have moved, you may be looking for a more customized approach to learning, or your child may have academic or health needs that make a traditional school day difficult. 

If your current schooling option isn’t working, why should you wait to provide your child the education experience they deserve? Here are five reasons to move ahead with a midyear transfer to an online school:  

1. You’ve made an educated choice about which school is right for your family

Understanding the different options available to you is the first step. We can provide detailed information and answer your questions, so you can decide which learning option is the best fit for your child. 

With virtual or online schooling, students learn at home with a trusted adult, ensuring they follow a state-approved public school curriculum that involves independent, computer-based study, supported by certified teachers. The term “distance learning” is more general and refers to any situation with a remote teacher and online learning materials, whether it’s a single online course, full-time online school, or emergency remote learning. In hybrid or blended learning, some students attend class in person, while others join the class virtually from home.  

For more information about these learning options, browse this list of resources:  

  • Common Concerns About Virtual School 
  • How to know whether virtual school is right for your child 
  • 5 Differences Between Homeschool and Online School 
  • Parent Survey: Ups and downs of distance learning 

2. You’ll have support when switching to online school.

If you decide your child should attend a Connections Academy online school, we are committed to helping you prepare for success. We offer a strong support system to ease your student’s transfer to online school. After you enroll, start taking advantage of that support system by contacting your student’s teacher and joining our online community. Other parents and especially our teachers are always happy to answer your questions! We can provide new families with plenty of tips and advice for successfully transferring schools to begin online learning.  

3. You’ll be a partner in your child’s education.

Once you are a part of our online school community, you won’t have to wait for parent-teacher conferences or report cards to find out how your child is doing in school. Parents, or other trusted adults, are active participants in a Connections Academy education. As your child’s Learning Coach, you’ll monitor their daily learning and make sure they complete and understand their lessons. This doesn’t mean you’ll be teaching; our certified educators handle that role. But Learning Coaches help structure the learning day, provide support and encouragement, and make sure the student stays on track. Communicating with your child’s teacher is also an important part of the role. 

Explore some online help for Learning Coaches:  

4. Transferring schools can help a struggling student.

As children grow and become independent, they often have individual needs or desires that aren’t met by the structure of traditional public schools. Sometimes the brick-and-mortar learning environment is not as positive or safe as it should be. An online school allows the flexibility to meet the needs of a widely diverse student body, whether students are looking for more academic choices, fewer social distractions, a healthier learning environment, flexibility required for physical or mental health services, or to meet other needs. Online education can also be customized for gifted students to realize and grow their potential. 

5. You’ll see the benefits.

Many of our virtual school parents successfully switched schools at midyear because that’s when their need arose. Whenever your family transfers schools, there will be challenges during the transition. However, many Connections Academy parents believe it’s an adjustment that pays off for their students.  

“There is a learning curve, but it is worth it,” one parent said. “While it did take some time, and at first [there were] a few grades that were lower than usual, we still feel it has been a worthwhile journey. Knowing how hard it is to focus on school when you are so anxious or feel unsafe at a brick-and-mortar school, I feel that my daughter is finally able to blossom in the way she was meant to and [that] she can reach her full potential.”  

A student learning through virtual school.

Find Your New Online School Home Today

If your family is considering a student transfer to online school, following these suggestions and this parent-tested advice can help you conquer the learning curve so you can feel at home in no time. If you missed the start of semester enrollment, you may still have time to transfer schools. Enrollment periods differ depending on the school and grade, so check availability at the school near you. Start by finding an online school that serves your area. 

With some effort and dedication, your family can make a midyear transfer to online school go smoothly. To learn more about how your child can transfer schools and enjoy the benefits of personalized online learning, continue exploring the website for Connections Academy online public school. 

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